Ronald St. Clair may have been born in San Antonio, Texas but he was raised on a farm in Alaska and also spent a majority of his early years on a ranch in New Mexico. After high school, he enlisted in the Navy and served 4 years during the Vietnam War. The first two years were spent as a data processing technician at the Fleet Atlantic Intelligence Center in Norfolk, Virginia. His last two years were spent on the USS Boxer.
After the Navy, he went to Penn State where he graduated Cum Laude with a degree in Accounting and Computer Science. He accepted his first position with one of the ''Big 5'' accounting firms, Arthur Anderson, LLP in Philadelphia. Ronald quickly learned the ropes and eventually moved to a small practice in Pottsville. With his help, the single location accounting office grew into a 5-office, 80-person, regional accounting firm. In 2004, Ronald decided to semi-retire to Fort Myers, Florida. However, he grew bored of the sandy beaches and pristine boating waters, so he opened another accounting firm in Florida to keep him busy. Given the South Florida location, this new practice naturally focused on international taxpayers and is now double the size of the Pennsylvania firm. Ron has over 20 years of FIRPTA Experience and a passion for serving clients, creating jobs, and growing businesses is what led him to develop FIRPTA Solutions, Inc. into the company that it is today.